![]() | The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. - Carl Jung |
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Dr. Mitchell Gaynor and Tibetan Singing BowlsDr. Mitchell Gaynor's ResearchDr. Mitchell Gaynor, as the Director of Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine at the Strang-Cornell Cancer Prevention Center in New York, has done extensive research on singing bowls and their effects on the body and emotions. We Are Bombarded With DisharmonyWe all have a natural inner harmony. But every day, day in and day out, we exposed to disharmony - loud noises, horns honking, people yelling, doors slamming, and on and on. All these noises generate vibrations which our body feels. Disharmony is inevitable. If we return harmony to our body, our lives can be transformed. Singing Bowls Show Astounding ResultsDr. Gaynor has used singing bowls with his patients with astounding results. A diagnosis of cancer can create an extraordinary fear in a patient. When Dr. Gaynor treats them with singing bowls, they are suddenly relieved of their fear and able to live in the moment. He has seen marital problems, job related stress or illness relieved. Everything in our lives can be transformed when we are in harmony. How Does It Work?Dr. Gaynor wanted to know why people were having such miraculous turnarounds in their whole perspective about life. He researched the effects of sound and learned that Gregorian chants and classical music can change our brain waves into the relaxed alpha and theta waves. Sound affects us on a physiological level, so this makes sense. Scientific studies have shown that if people are allowed to listen to any music of their choice during a medical procedure, the amount of stress hormones released will be lower. People who listen to music in cardiac care units may be released sooner. Premature infants can gain weight faster and leave the neonatal unit sooner if they are sung to every day. Sound can actually change our immune system. Our Interluken-1 level, which is an index of our immune system, goes up between 12 ½ and 15 percent after Gregorian canting or listening to certain forms of music. And after listening to this music for twenty minutes, our immunoglobin levels in our blood are significantly increased. Certain forms of music can lower our heart rate and blood pressure. Every part of our body is affected by sound on a cellular and sub-cellular level. There is not an organ system in our body that is not affected by sound, music and vibration. Singing Bowls and EntrainmentEntrainment is when two objects begin to vibrate in synchronization with each other. Somehow they pick up the vibration of the other and adjust until they are both vibrating at the same rate. This is easily demonstrated with vibrating physical objects held close together. Entrainment can also occur on a human level. It's been shown that babies who fall asleep listening to a lullaby will begin breathing at the same tempo as the song. It's been demonstrated that our heart rate will respond to both the rhythm and volume of music. Read more about entrainment. The Disruption In Harmony Leaves Us Open To DiseaseContinued stress, frustration, depression or pessimism can't help but manifest itself somewhere. Often, this manifestation is in the form of disease. Where Do Singing Bowls Fit In?![]() All the disharmony created within us every day by external sounds can be erased. We can retune our bodies and live within harmony. The sounds generated by singing bowls have tones and over tones that can actually be felt in every cell of your body. If we take fifteen or twenty minutes every morning and every night before sleep to retune our bodies, everything in our lives could be transformed. If you would like to know more, you can purchase Dr. Gaynor's book, Healing Power of Sound, Recovering from Life-Threatening Illness Using Sound, Voice and Music. In hardcover, this book is entitled Sounds of Healing. In this book, Dr. Gaynor explains techniques that anyone can use whether you have a life threatening disease or simply want relief from every day stresses. There are twelve exercises which could help improve your health and your quality of life. These exercises include breathing, meditation and using pure vocal sound with the goal of resolving tension, releasing emotions and encouraging the healing process. Sound TherapySound therapy is a new field of holistic medicine. A person's voice is analyzed to determine which frequencies are high or low. A device, such as a tone box, is then programmed with the relevant frequencies for that individual. Listening to those frequencies can cause the body to adjust. Some amazing results have been observed with this therapy. Read more about sound therapy. Find sound therapy books or sound therapy CDs. Read more about singing bowls. |
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DISCLAIMER: All information published on this web site is for entertainment purposes only and is in no way intended to dispense medical advice or opinion or to be a substitute for professional medical care, whether advice, diagnosis or treatment, by a medical practitioner. If you have a medical issue or feel ill, you should consult a health care professional.
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